2023 had one last surprise for us: while in Ljubljana for Christmas, we saw a man walking his emu. I’m not sure what surprised me more: that he was walking an emu or that he wasn’t using a leash.
Hello, Friend ~ for this final postcard of 2023, I’d like to do something a bit different and talk about endings and beginnings.
Endings ~
Today ~ Sunday, December 31st ~ is not only the end of the calendar year, it’s also the end of Rosemary’s working life. Yes, tomorrow she is officially retired. Unfortunately, but not unsurprisingly, this is also the end of our adventure in Europe. At least this chapter of the adventure.
Beginnings ~
We’ll begin the New Year by spending a couple of days in Paris celebrating her successful career before flying to our new home in Texas.
While I am sad our adventure in Europe is ending, I am excited our adventure in Texas is beginning. We have a home under construction, a car to buy, a new rhythm of life to get used to (any retirees out there want to share some advice?), and dogs to get. This next adventure is going to be great, too.
As we end 2023, I want to thank you for inviting me into your inbox. Hopefully, you’ve enjoyed going on these 5-Minute Vacations as much as I’ve enjoyed sharing them with you.
To end this postcard and this year, I’d like to reshare this story with you:
One December in Poland, our cleaning lady wanted to wish us a Happy New Year. As she spoke no English and I spoke almost no Polish, our conversation was done via Google’s Translate app. I have no idea what she really said but here’s how Google translated it:
“Wish you joyful worlds of champagne fun.”
I hope your 2024 overflows with joyful worlds of champagne fun.
I’ll spend the next month settling into our new life, so you won’t see me in your inbox until at least February. Then, we’ll see what adventures 2024 has for us. It’s gonna be good!
Until then,
PS ~ If you are new to my photography, you can see more at scottgilbertson.com.
Happy New Year Scott! All the best as you traverse the ocean and settle into your new home.